Here we will look at a step by step process to avoid those pesky pests and help keep your garden healthy through all four seasons.
Step 1 Pick the location and plan
Good lighting is essential for most plants to grow well, it is also important to have room for the plants to breath. Clustered wet plants encourage fungal growth.
Step 2 Ensure soil is healthy
Soil health is the absolute foundation of a plants healthy growth. It is essential in maximising water infiltration and improving nutrient cycling for plants. In fact it is so important, that next
“ensuring soil health is the most important step in plant growth”
Plants require 17 key elements for growth. All but 3 come from the soil, therefore soil health is the most important aspect to plant growth.
A living garden teeming with life worms and the sort mean your soil is healthy and well suited for planting.
The best way to ensure a solid foundation for growth would be to simply use a layer of quality soil to start with. Keeping the soil healthy however relies on minimising chemicals and using a cover crop or mulch to protect the topsoil.
Step 3 Irrigation
The next biggest asset to a healthy garden is irrigation. Using a hose is all well and good but you create a run off effect.
Moving the nutrients the plant requires to maintain steady healthy growth away from the roots.
Irrigation helps with plant growth helps prevent weed growth and preserves those nutrients the plant needs to grow. We advise using a Gardena or Neta system to help your plants and gardens maintain even healthy growth. Water is the life blood of plants and in drought like conditions it can save plants and also help the plant protect itself from disease.
Step 4 Fertiliser
Nitrogen the plants most important nutrient, Phosphorus and Potassium.
Fertilisers come in many forms but the big three to look for are N P K this consists of Nitrogen the plants most important nutrient, Phosphorus and Potassium.
Plants absorb more Nitrogen than any other nutrient it is essential in a plants health simply because nitrogen helps create protein and protein makes up much of the living tissues on every living thing.
Phosphorus helps the plant store energy and helps in the photosynthesis process.
Potassium helps to strengthen the plants disease resistance and helps it get through dry and cold times of the year. Its essential to pick a good fertiliser that works for you and your garden we recommend Charlie carp an organic fertiliser high in N P K available at Bunnings warehouse.
Step 5 Preventative sprays
We recommend Organic options for sprays for just about any plant.
Spraying your plants with a protective shield can be essential in some areas of the country due to disease and pests. Plants like Eugina (lilypilly) and Boxwood (Buxus) can be heavily effected by disease just about anywhere in the world.
Using a prevention method can be life saving to keep strong growth and healthy plants and to prevent the spread of things like blight and scale.
We recommend Organic options for sprays for just about any plant. We use Neem oil an organic solution derived from the Neem tree. Another choice especially for dealing with Buxus blight quickly and effectively is Topbuxus. Available from Landscape grower or LGSLTD in Auckland.
Step 6 Encourage helpful insects
A single lady bug larva can eat dozens of aphids an hour
We could write an entire entry on this. However thankfully it doesn’t take too much to attract beneficial insects, most blossoming plants will help attract them – the key is leaving them be once they arrive!
Hopefully this guide will help you understand your gardens a little more and what the most essential things required for healthy growth are.
Products and links mentioned in this article:
Charlie Carp Available from Bunnings: https://www.bunnings.co.nz/charlie-carp-1l-premium-organic-fertiliser-concentrate_p3020034 or Mitre 10 in Australia
Neem Oil Available from LSG: https://www.landscapeandgrower.com/shop/product/6157_neem_tree_oil/
Topbuxus Available from LSG: https://www.landscapeandgrower.com/shop/product/6180_topbuxus_health-mix/